Tag: academic

Pursuing Passions: 3 Ways Chess Changed My Life

Guest post by Evan Rabin of Premier Chess.

As you progress through high school, you develop your interests and figure out how you want to spend your time. For me, chess became a passion, and I became extremely involved in the competitive chess community. As a result, chess was a big part of my story when I applied to college.

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5 Ways to Help Your High School Senior Get Ready for College

Going off to college is a right of passage for approximately 62 percent of high school seniors. But not every high school senior is ready for college. And this often leads to havoc once these students arrive on campus and become immersed in life away from home. So, before your student leaves for college, it is essential for them to know how to manage their time, learn from mistakes, and perform not-so-basic basic tasks like doing laundry and calling in a prescription for medicine.

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History Shouldn’t be a Mystery: 5 Impactful Lessons of Studying History

How many times has your child asked when they would ever use something they learn in school? “Why do I need to learn trigonometry? What are Robert Frost poems going to mean to me in four years?” Well, you can easily tell your children that learning, processing, and evaluating historical facts will help them to better understand the world, to become more responsible contributors to their communities, and to become impactful professionals in our global world. Learning and understanding historical facts teaches children many different but essential lessons.

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5 Strategies to Help Students Succeed on AP Exams

In today’s ultra-competitive college admissions landscape, many students rely on AP, advanced placement, courses to show colleges and universities that they are “college ready.” While students are learning the curriculum for an AP Exam throughout the school year, it is important to invest a considerable amount of time studying for this test which encompasses approximately eight months’ worth of curriculum. Here are 5 strategies to help students succeed on AP Exams.

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5 Reasons to Fall in Love with Learning

This Valentine’s week, GAMECHANGER Tutoring Connection wants you to fall in love…with learning. Students who love to learn tend to engage in classroom discussions, dive into their schoolwork, and thrive from positive feedback from peers, teachers, and parents. Students who fall in love with learning find wonder in most tasks and challenges. And, students who fall in love with learning develop a commitment to lifelong learning and live happier, more fulfilling lives. 

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5 Ways to Motivate Students to Become Confident, Lifelong Learners

Learning how to learn helps students to develop individualized strategies that will enable them to thrive in and out of the classroom. So, while children are mired down by memorizing theorems, dates, and endless facts, how can we teach them to learn? Here are 5 ways to motivate students to become confident, lifelong learners.

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5 Effective and Empowering Learning Strategies

One of the most important things that students can learn in school is HOW to learn. If a student develops the ability to learn how to learn, they become more curious about a wider range of topics, they develop strong problem-solving skills, and they are more open to becoming lifelong learners. By teaching students how to learn, educators open up new worlds….

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New Year, New Energy: 5 Ways to Build Academic Confidence in 2024

Studies illustrate that confident students face challenges enthusiastically, are more resilient, and become lifelong learners. Confident students maintain the inherent belief that they can achieve their goals, recognizing that they have control over their lives and can acquire any skills they need. Ultimately, confidence is a significant predictor of academic, social-emotional, and professional success. This year, we want to encourage every student to start off the school year confidently. 

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The College Admissions Process: A Journey of Self-Discovery in 6 (Not So Simple) Steps

The college process incorporates more than one year of high school. It is a holistic process that starts during a student’s freshman year of high school, as students pick their classes, start to join clubs and sports, and immerse themselves in extracurricular activities and part-time jobs. 

And while the college process might be stressful, anxiety-producing…you get the point, it is also a huge learning opportunity for students. It is a process of self-discovery and a process of skill-building.

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4 Reasons to Write a Thank You Note

Nowadays, hand-written thank you notes, cards of any kind, are infrequently sent. With online methods of communication dominating the way we speak to one another, the best we can typically anticipate is a grammatically correct thank you email. But no matter how you choose to show your appreciation, there are many reasons to do so. Here are our top 4 reasons why you should send someone a thank you note – for a job interview, for a college visit, for any reason.

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