Tag: learn

Encouraging Future Voters: 5 Lessons to Teach Kids about the Importance of Voting

History demonstrates the importance of participating in the democratic process of voting. Teaching your kids to use their voice and exercise their constitutional rights is a vital lesson for kids of all ages. Kids should learn that they will have a voice in choosing both local and national leaders; voting is the most powerful opportunity American citizens have to impact our democracy. Not everyone in the world has this right – it’s an opportunity – and kids should understand that if they lived in other parts of the world, this right wouldn’t necessarily be available to them. 

Here are 5 lessons kids should learn about voting….

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5 Ways to Encourage Students to Learn to Love to Learn

No matter what type of learner you are, no matter what the environment in which you were learning, this past year was a challenge for everyone. This includes students, teachers, and parents. Going forward cannot be a catch up race. We must foster a positive learning environment, an environment in which students learn to love learning, a supportive learning environment. Ultimately, this will help students make greater strides going forward.

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