Tag: study

Encouraging Future Voters: 5 Lessons to Teach Kids about the Importance of Voting

History demonstrates the importance of participating in the democratic process of voting. Teaching your kids to use their voice and exercise their constitutional rights is a vital lesson for kids of all ages. Kids should learn that they will have a voice in choosing both local and national leaders; voting is the most powerful opportunity American citizens have to impact our democracy. Not everyone in the world has this right – it’s an opportunity – and kids should understand that if they lived in other parts of the world, this right wouldn’t necessarily be available to them. 

Here are 5 lessons kids should learn about voting….

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5 Positive Suggestions for Managing Physical and Mental Stress

Children need the tools to maintain their emotional and physical well-being as they face new challenges. Understanding and managing physical and mental stress is essential to responding to the challenges and stresses children face as they grow up. GAMECHANGER Tutoring Connection is honored to team with Diana, owner of MaxPact Health. Diana teaches busy parents the most effective fitness and nutritional practices to support mental clarity, resilience, and positive sleep and nutritional habits.

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5 Reasons to Consider Studying Abroad In College

Studying abroad offers students a chance to try something completely new, spreading their wings and broadening their perspectives. Becoming immersed in diverse global communities, interacting with new people, helps students become more self-aware, more independent, and improves their critical thinking skills. 

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5 Key Strategies to Becoming a Successful Math Student

It is vital for students to pace themselves when learning math, as mathematical concepts build on each other. By the time students reach Algebra 1, they must have mastered all basic mathematical concepts. Students must make sure that they master Algebra 1 before moving ahead to Geometry and Algebra 2, as even the most advanced math classes, like Calculus, involve one complicated step followed by a series of steps of basic algebra. 

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6 Test-Taking Strategies for Anxious Test-Takers

Many students suffer from serious test-taking anxiety, a kind of performance anxiety in which fear of failure overwhelms the students’ ability to take tests effectively. This anxiety can manifest itself in multiple ways. Students can “draw a blank” once they enter the test. Or, students may have symptoms before the test, including headaches, nausea, or shortness of breath. In more extreme cases, some students suffer from panic attacks.

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