Tag: teachers

How to Read: 5 Ways to Boost Reading Comprehension

To learn, students must read. Reading is essential to academic success because it enhances and improves vocabulary and critical and analytical thinking skills. Reading fosters imagination, helps students become more empathetic, and empowers students to better understand our interconnected, global society, providing them with insights into different cultures and perspectives. Enthusiastic, engaged readers are more engaged students and tend to have stronger social skills. So, while reading is fundamental to learning, students must have strong reading comprehension skills to ensure that they are fully understanding what they read. 

GAMECHANGER Tutoring Connection offers 5 ways to boost students’ reading comprehension.

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The College Admissions Process: A Journey of Self-Discovery in 6 (Not So Simple) Steps

The college process incorporates more than one year of high school. It is a holistic process that starts during a student’s freshman year of high school, as students pick their classes, start to join clubs and sports, and immerse themselves in extracurricular activities and part-time jobs. 

And while the college process might be stressful, anxiety-producing…you get the point, it is also a huge learning opportunity for students. It is a process of self-discovery and a process of skill-building.

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4 Reasons to Write a Thank You Note

Nowadays, hand-written thank you notes, cards of any kind, are infrequently sent. With online methods of communication dominating the way we speak to one another, the best we can typically anticipate is a grammatically correct thank you email. But no matter how you choose to show your appreciation, there are many reasons to do so. Here are our top 4 reasons why you should send someone a thank you note – for a job interview, for a college visit, for any reason.

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6 Ways to Strengthen the Memory Muscle

Like every other muscle in the human body, the brain needs regular exercise. While sharpening the memory is a complex process that requires practice, attention, a willingness to isolate from distractions, and drastically altering normal study routines, there are numerous strategies that can help maximize memory skills.

To improve memory, enhance the ability to recall information, and increase the retention of information, try the following 7 exercises.

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5 Ways to Encourage Students to Learn to Love to Learn

No matter what type of learner you are, no matter what the environment in which you were learning, this past year was a challenge for everyone. This includes students, teachers, and parents. Going forward cannot be a catch up race. We must foster a positive learning environment, an environment in which students learn to love learning, a supportive learning environment. Ultimately, this will help students make greater strides going forward.

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